20 Questions You Should Ask About Fiat Panda Key Fob Replacement Prior To Purchasing Fiat Panda Key Fob Replacement

The Key Lab makes it easy to open doors and start your vehicle. However, there are a variety of reasons why the fob won't be working. This could be due to a dead coin-battery or water damage, receiver modules issues, and interference. This listing is for a NEW replacement Fiat Flip Key Remote – like the Ilco brand that must be professionally programmed by a local locksmith (click here to search for a Locksmith Search). It includes lock, unlock, and trunk buttons. Dead Coin Battery A dead battery is probably the most common cause of your 500 key fob not working. Key fobs of today have an operating range that is limited and must be within just a few inches of the vehicle in order to work. If you are far from your vehicle and push the keyfob button it won't respond and display the message “Key Fob Not Detected”. If this happens, replace the battery on your coin cell (Part number CR2032) with a fresh one from a reputable manufacturer like Panasonic, Duracell, or Energizer. You can find them at your local hardware store, or online. You can test the battery of your coin-cell by pressing the buttons while you're standing close to your Fiat 500. The car will flash its parking lights, and the key fob should operate the lock and unlock switches. If the fob's key doesn't function after replacing the battery, it may have water damage that prevents it from connecting to the receiver module inside your vehicle. Water damage can happen in many ways, such as the simple splash or submerging the key fob in saltwater at the beach. If you suspect that your fob was exposed to water, try placing it in a dry rice bag to pull the moisture back out. If that doesn't work your fob may need to be reprogrammed by an experienced auto locksmith or by the dealer. Water Damage While the fob comes with rubber seals to keep water out of the chip's electronic circuit the device, submerging it into the ocean or washing it in a machine could cause water damage. Saltwater is especially dangerous to the circuit board of the fob that can cause it to short out and eventually die. It's not a good thing to submerge the fob in water but don't give up even if you accidentally drop the fob in water, or fail to take it out of your pocket. First take the battery off the fob. Clean the electronic chip using isopropyl alcohol or a similar product and then dry it thoroughly before replacing the battery. Check the fob to check if it's working. If the key isn't working, it may have to be changed. This is usually done by a dealer or professional auto locksmith. If your key is old and is not programmed for your vehicle You will need to replace it completely. A professional automotive locksmith will be able to complete this process. The locksmith will require the key to be cut to match the car's ignition. The locksmith will also need to reprogram your fob in the vehicle's system. This is a cost-effective and quick process that could be completed the same day. Receiver Module Issues Your 500 key fob might stop working because it is out of range. The remote has a range of 30 feet, so when you're too far from your car it won't respond to your commands. You can solve this problem by moving the remote closer to your car until it responds. If you've replaced the battery on your coin (commonly called”button” or “button” or “watch”) and your fob still won't work It could be because of an internal circuit board problem. Reprogramming the fob is usually the solution to the issue. There are instructions on how to do this for most vehicles by searching YouTube or looking through the owner's manual. It is possible to replace the metal retaining clips that keep the battery of your coin in place. If they loose tension, it could hinder the coin battery from being seated properly, and this will result in the malfunction of your remote. In rare cases the fob might become disconnected from your vehicle due to software problems or hardware issues. This can be a major trouble, but you could usually resolve this issue by visiting an auto locksmith to have them reprogram your fob. In some cases the software might require reinstallation to your body control modules. Interference In addition to a dead battery on a coin The key fob may not be able to transmit or receive signals due to interference. This can happen when the key fob is located near an electronic radio transmitter (cell phones, radar detectors) or any other source of electromagnetic radiation. Other reasons the key fob might not function may be a lack of connection to the buttons and internal chip, or water damage. If your key fob suddenly stopped working, or if you have tried everything at home to resolve it (e.g. replacing the battery, reprogramming it and using the spare key fob, you could have a damaged receiver module on your 500. The receiver module is located under the dash and is able to pick up the radio frequency signals from the key fob. It transforms the signals into electronic commands which are then interpreted by the vehicle. There's a simple method to reset the 500's in-board system, including the keyfob. Disconnect the battery of 12 volts for about 15 minutes by disconnecting the negative cable first then the positive cable. Then, reconnect the battery. This will erase any remaining electric current, and also restart the computer in your car. This could help you get your key fob working again. If the issue persists, you should speak with an expert technician. They will be able to determine the exact cause of issues.